Magicssian is a CSS Boilerplate to head start a small web project by providing cross-browser consistent styles to default HTML elements with pure css trickery and a bit of design.
Magicssian is a forever-i-am-learning work in progress and relies on the following:
You can see how all HTML5 elements look like with Magicssian on this
HTML5 test page.
HTML5 test page created by @cbracco
Custom properties
All things avaliable for a custom setup is here, we use the relatively new CSS Custom properties
a.k.a css variables
The examples
The examples
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
Heading 6
This is a simple paragraph block with some regular text-level markup, like Strong or Bold, Emphasis or Italics, also an example of using subscript2 and superscript2, del, ins or dfn, abbr for definition and abbreviation respectively. Now a <br />.
A new paragraph block with inline quotations a <code> tag: <a href="" title="title"> and his .variant class <a href="" title="title">.
Out of the (Flex)box we can create any number of columns and they will adjust automatically to his container.
column 1
column 2
column 3
Column 1
Column 1
column 3
column 4
column 5
column 6
column 7
Fixed size columns
We use 5 predefined fraction sizes, this give control over elements and flexibility
1/4 column
1/3 column
1/2 column
2/3 column
3/4 column
Nested columns
Easily extend your layout options nesting fixed size columns. Also, we use some flexbox default properties as handy classes to quicly align content or add padding space in any column.
1/2 column nested in 1/2 column = 1/4 column
1/2 column nested in 1/2 column = 1/4 column
1/3 column nested in 1/2 column = 1/6 column
1/3 column nested in 1/2 column = 1/6 column
1/3 column nested in 1/2 column = 1/6 column
This is information
This is a warning
This is success
This is an error
Hide notification
This is an error
Dropdown navigation
Simple dropdown menus using nested lists, mixed with custom list styles.